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The Very First Rule...

July 31, 2015

The Very First Rule...

The story of how Family Rule began...


Almost exactly two years ago my heavily pregnant self, well into nesting mode, wanted to make a gift for the little (or actually huge!) bumps daddy.


I had seen an article in a magazine about ruler height charts and had fallen in love with them. I swiftly fell out of love when I noted the £500 price tag!(?) As i've always loved a creative challenge I decided to give it a go myself. 


Lets just say my very first attempt was not my finest creation but it lovingly carries the marks of our daughters growth from the very moment she was born. Adding in our friends and family along the way we now have an incredibly treasured snapshot of cherished moments shared.



The best thing is we will never have to leave it behind and can continue to add to it as our family continues to grow.


With so many positive comments over the past few years from friends, family and neighbours I decided it was time to hone my skills and create beautiful, quality and personalised ruler height charts that would be accessable for everyone.


After months of practicing, sanding, marking, staining and stenciling...and a few friends having beautiful babies so I can gift them my creations...I am now ready to share the personalised ruler hegiht chart options you can now see avalible on my site.


As a throw back from two years ago here's the very original family rule... It's the thought that counts, right?






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